Friday, May 21, 2010

Peanut Butter

Today, while waiting in the car with my two little brothers and sisters, I convinced the boys that the hand sanitizer that they had just put in each others hair (...which I only slightly encouraged) would make blond spots magically appear within the next hour UNLESS they were able to quickly get an unholy amount of peanut butter in their hair. Out of a slightly realistic fear of our mother disowning them and there new punk/renegade-Dalmatian hair style... they quickly complied.

After a solid two-inch layer of creamy goodness was spread across their young heads, I happily informed them that I indeed lied, and their heads were covered in peanut butter for no reason- other than to send me into relentless fits of laughter.

So what is the point?

I find myself wondering how often we miss potentially incredible moments in our life, simply because that moment might only be accessible if we are willing to take a risk. Now, clearly, me lathering any sort of food in my brothers hair only beckons the threat of my mothers wrath... but I'm referencing a different kind of risk.

I am in no way trying to advocate dangerous risk, or a risk that can involve legal trouble. Instead, I would like to throw out the challenge of doing something that is unusual, something that could end up with you failing.

I feel like there are so many opportunities in life that we run away from. How many adventures do we miss because we are afraid of what's going to happen? How many people do we miss the chance to meet and talk to because we are afraid to approach someone new? How many chances do we miss to just experience life?

I really do believe we can better ourselves by seeking out situations that stretch and challenge us; by facing the odds and going big.

There is something incredibly satisfying about coming out of a situation victoriously when all the odds were pointing towards your failure. Life is way, way too short for us to wait for something wonderful to fall into our laps. If there is no risk, there generally is no value.

Do something that makes you stand out. Do something that breaks the monotony of everyday life.

Put some peanut butter in someones hair.